September 17th: My GGAQ’s & Meditations on Tara

Today’s book recommendations:

  1. How to Free Your Mind: The Practice of Tara the Liberator
  2. Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

“om tare tuttare ture soha”

Tara means “star,” “planet,” or “she who ferries across.” She is a bodhisattva embodying compassion in the female form of a young goddess. She is often considered to be such an advanced bodhisattva that she is actually a Buddha.

Tara’s name is said to derive from the verb meaning “to cross” or “to traverse”. In Pali the verb tarati means “to get to the other side.” This word is cognate with the Latin “trans” (across). The word Tara also literally means “star.” – Source 


Good morning,

Today I am introduced to this wonderful Deity, Tara – She is the mother of all! I trust you had an enjoyable weekend. As I look forward to the coming days and weeks it seems most are anticipating a change of seasons and excited for the Fall weather. Some may not, however most of us here in Colorado are done with the heat and ready for some cooler temperatures. They are coming and I’m excited, Fall colors, temps, and snow are what I look forward to after a long Summer.

I have been giving thought to which is the aspect of quality and care. In fact a wonderful book on this very topic is, Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It speaks to the elements of care and our need for the quality in aspects of our lives. I struggle with this as I am always looking to the end result of any project or endeavor and less about the details in which will make the project a complete success.

Part of being a high level thinker and entrepreneur is my automatic holistic bent to always look to the end result of actions and end results. Yet, I miss the important aspects of what make something worth while. Today I am introduced to Tara and I believe she has appeared in my life to be very important as to what I am working on for my next big product that will be launching in the coming weeks.


I will meditate and learn to work with her – I believe she can help me to achieve the balance, the quality, and the care that is necessary to bring about the desired results. I desire the details of what I am building to truly bring change and peace to those that are suffering and in need of direction for their lives. Perhaps she can help you as you go through your day and week, recite the mantra, “om tare tuttare ture soha” and allow her to bring you peace and the ability to open your mind to higher consciousness.

Love & Light

Namaste 🙂

** A couple excellent explanations on the Deity of Tara:

GGAQ’s & the beginning…

– I had some rather strange dreams about a member of my family, I wondered how it would play into my work this week. I did a tarot reading about my dreams and it revealed some interesting aspects to consider… mainly the aspect of Archangel, Raphael
– Today will be a great day with the opportunities abounding and the way being enlightened for me, I desire to bring about real and lasting change in my life as well as those that I teach
– I will be working on building out more aspects of my new course that will be launching in the coming weeks and to also build into aspects that will truly help those that take the class.


  • For getting a camper!!
  • For my Nicki and her love and health
  • For getting land for the Winter in the mountains
  • For delicious coffee this morning at Mugs
  • For my truck and it’s great reliability
  • For clean water, good coffee, good food, and healthy dog food for Nick Nick
  • For a warm bed and a pillow
  • For electricity, water pump, refrigerator
  • For tools: laptop, iPhone, LG Pad, Internet, cell service
  • For work opportunities, tips, and income coming in from all over
  • For meditation and yoga and it’s positive effects on my life
  • For my family
  • For the Universe and Spiritual guides
  • For being alive today and for my excellent health
  • For time today
  • For the excellent weather


  • Shoot first lecture video for the new course this week
  • PRepare all the course materials, forms, questions, h.w. assignments, etc, this week
  • Write 4x blog posts this week
  • Prepare and write the syslabus for the class this week
  • Register for G’s mediation class this week
  • Read two books a month
  • Alaska 2019
  • Find a shop to work out of for the Fall/Winter/Spring
  • Camper for the truck
  • Macbook Pro & iPhone 8+
  • Cargo Trailer
  • Car for Work


  • I am guided and directed today and being helped by many
  • I am building an awesome course that will really help people
  • I am choosing high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life today
  • I am choosing to act rightly today
  • My way is being cleared and my eyes see clearly the path before me
  • Opportunities abound for me and they are in route to me today
  • I am in the flow of massive financial abundance in my life today
  • I choose to use my resources wisely for my life today


  • What questions, topics, and themes can I teach to my students to help them massively see results in their lives?
  • What areas of my life do I need to cultivate to bring balance and build a solid foundation if strength and character?
  • What are the books, classes, teachers, and experiences that I need to learn from?
  • How do I build a resiliently strong and lasting passive income generator for my life?
  • What experiences do I need to cultivate into my life today?
  • How do I become a better version of myself today than I was yesterday?
  • Whom can I help and show love to today?
Namaste my Followers  🙂


September 14th: My GGAQ’s & The Numerology of 14

“Gardening is not outcome-oriented. A successful harvest is not the end of a gardener’s existence, but only a phase of it. As any gardener knows, the vitality of a garden does not end with a harvest. It simply takes another form. Gardens do not ‘die’ in the winter but quietly prepare for another season.”
― James P. CarseFinite and Infinite Games


Good morning,
Today is Friday and it’s also the 14th of the month – I wanted to share a passage about this number from a site that has a lot of good information on Numerology and it’s relation to the tarot. Since I’m lacking the thought process today I felt this would be a good article to share and for you to be thinking about this number over the weekend as I believe it holds some very important aspects for life for you and me!
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂

The Symbolic Meaning of Number 14

The 14th card of the Tarot is called either Temperance or The Angel of Time. The image on the Temperance card reveals an angelic being bearing a golden goblet in each hand, pouring water from one goblet to the other, signifying a process of inner transformation.

Another curious detail of this card is that the Angel of Time is standing in front of the gates to the Underworld. We know the gates behind the Angel of Time lead to the Underworld because the next card in the Major Arcana series is The Devil.

It is as if the Angel of Time has appeared to reassure us as we prepare to hazard the depths in our pursuit of spiritual realization.

Balance, Harmony and Number 14

The Angel of Time on the Temperance card is pouring the water of the past into the goblet of our present day experience. This refers to a process of integrating past attitudes and impulses into our present mental and emotional experience. This is a reconciliation of sorts, resulting in a transformational process that brings about a strong, healthy and integrated personality.

Karma and the Future Pull of 14

The waters of the past that are being poured from one goblet to another in the Tarot card Temperance may be thought of as karmic debt, which ‘tempers’ the process of our spiritual development. This is why the number 14 is often associated with processes of cosmic debt.

Numerologists often warn people who have the number 14 in their chart that this idea of cosmic debt may make their present activities heavy with ‘throwing karma.’ Throwing karma is the power an event to ‘throw’ us into negative results.

Therefore, people who have the number 14 in their chart should always be careful about their life choices.

The karmic challenge for people who are influenced by the number 14 may be associated with the conflicting impulses that are sure to be a part of their nature.

The ability to integrate conflicting impulses and put them to the service of unity and achievement is the challenge for those who are influenced by the number 14.

Source: The Number 14 in Tarot


My GGAQ’s & the beginning…

– Feeling a bit tired today and also realizing it going to be a big weekend for me with working and also finishing up the course material for the new class, wondering what I should be focusing on as I have a couple things of importance going on in the coming days…
– Slept in a bit and got some work done this morning, need to focus and meditate later and balance my mind and the important aspects of the day.


  • Finish my coaching course and shoot the 6 lecture videos
  • Build out the class on as many platforms as possible once it’s finalized
  • Camper for the truck
  • Macbook Pro & iPhone 8+
  • Camper for our new piece of property
  • Shop to work out of
  • Write 5x blog posts a week… I’m slacking on this one… :/
  • Post one product video a week on YouTube
  • Passive income to $300 a month
  • Commit to my spiritualism today
  • Commit to my personal growth today
  • Find joy and happiness in all things today


  • For getting a piece of land to camp off of this Winter
  • For the help and support
  • For my life and health
  • For my Nicki and her health
  • For my family
  • For my tools
  • For coffee
  • For clean water, good food
  • For shelter and a warm bed
  • For money coming in from all over
  • For wisdom and direction for my life
  • For work opportunities that abound


  • I am fining success and momentum in my work endeavors
  • I am guided in thought and action for my life today
  • I am in the flow of financial abundance today
  • I choose to the right things for my life today!
  • I see clearly the way forward and which steps to take
  • I choose high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life
  • Opportunities for greatness are coming to me today
  • I am supper successful and practice wisdom in my life
  • I choose to act responsibly with my resources


  • What are the words to speak to my audience that will resonate and help them?
  • How do I commit more fully and authentically to my spiritual growth today?
  • What books do I need to read to grow and become more valuable?
  • How do I help a million people?
  • What experiences do I need to participate in to gain wisdom and understanding?
  • How do I become a better version of myself today than I was yesterday?
  • Whom can I help and show love to, today?
  • How do I engage with my audience and students to massively help them?

Namaste my friends 🙂

Thursday September 13th, My GGAQ’s & The Real Purpose of Philosophy

Today’s Quote: Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle. Some things are within your control and some things are not.

~ Epictetus


Good morning,
I have been slacking a little bit this week with getting out my blog posts, please forgive me. However it was a much needed break just to figure out some aspects with my business and how I will be working on moving forward over the coming weeks and months. I have been struggling with trying to balance many aspects and find my footing – how do I make money as a freelancer and also stay true to my spiritualism and blend the two together.
My tarot readings have been spot on and they have given me a lot of insight and direction. It’s often very difficult to move past your old beliefs and limitations and begin to step up and grow up in your thinking and beliefs. I have found this soooo difficult and I feel like I bounce back and forth all the time. Staying committed and also flexible and also pursuing interests, etc… Life can be really crazy at times. One thing that has become clear to me is looking at long term versus short term gains, where do you place your time and what do you need as of right now, i.e. money to pay bills??
I keep asking questions of my sub-conscious and of my Higher self as to what’s the focus and the direction is for my life. I have a concept and vision in my mind that I desire to birth and most of all, what does this look like? How do I get this to work for me and how do I gain the traction now to move forward? I do believe the right way is being shown to me and I am excited at all these new endeavors and the future. It does give me a bit of anxiety, however there are some exciting elements that are in route if I just stay the course. The most important aspect of my life is to focus on my higher self and development of my spiritualism and the rest will fall into alignment.
I want to share a passage from the book I’m reading right now, The Art of Living as I believe valuable wisdom to meditate on for our lives. I wish you a wonderful rest of your day and stay strong and move boldly in your courage.
Stay tuned as I will be putting together a new online coaching course in the coming weeks! 🙂

The Real Purpose of Philosophy

True philosophy doesn’t involve exotic rituals, mysterious liturgy, or quaint beliefs. Nor is it just abstract theorizing and analysis. It is, of course, the love of wisdom. It is the art of living a good life. As such, it must be rescued from religious gurus and from professional philosophers lest it be exploited as an esoteric cult or as a set of detached intellectual techniques or brain teasers to show how cleaver you are . Philosophy is intended for everyone, and it is authentically practiced only by those who wed it with action in the world toward a better life for all. 
Philosophy’s purpose is to illuminate the ways our soul has been infected by unsound beliefs, untrained tumultuous desires, and dubious life choices and preferences that are unworthy of us. Self-scrutiny applied with kindness is the main antidote. Besides rooting out the soul’s corruptions, the life of wisdom is also meant to stir us from our lassitude and move us in the direction of an energetic, cheerful life. 
Skilled use of logic, disputation, and the developed ability to name things correctly are some the instruments philosophy gives us to achieve abiding clear-sightedness and inner tranquility, which is true happiness
This happiness, which is our aim, must be correctly understood. Happiness is commonly mistaken for passively experienced pleasure or leisure. That conception of happiness is good only as far as it goes. The only worthy object of all our efforts is a flourishing life.
True happiness is a verb. It’s the ongoing dynamic performance of worthy deeds. The flourishing life, whose foundation is virtuous intention, is something we continually improvise, and in doing so our souls mature. Our life has usefulness to ourselves and to the people we touch. 
We become philosophers to discover what is really true and what is merely the accidental result of flawed reasoning, recklessly acquired erroneous judgments, well-intentioned but misguided teaching of parents and teachers, and unexamined acculturation.
To ease our soul’s suffering, we engage in disciplined introspection in which we conduct though experiments to strengthen our ability to distinguish between wholesome and lazy, hurtful beliefs and habits.
~Epictetus – The Art of Living
Hope you enjoyed – please, share your thoughts!
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂

GGAQ’s & the beginning…

– Up early this morning and took Nicki for a walk, something is in the air, she was crazy this morning and ready to go… too early Nicki I haven’t had my coffee yet… o, well, I’m glad she’s feeling so happy and healthy!
– Since I was in Fort Collins today, I’m over at Mugs Coffee getting a bullet Americano and working on the blog and morning routine
– Taking this week a little slower and finding my footing with the direction things are to take at this time. There is definitely a good shift in how things are feeling and moving forward, I’m excited for that and to be working on the next aspect of my life and business.


  • Passive income to $300 dollars by end of September
  • Build one coaching course to put up online to begin earning passive income and broaden my reach and time
  • Camper for the truck
  • Travel to Alaska for 3 months next year, May-July
  • 4 blog posts a week
  • Post one YouTube video a week
  • Do one product review a week and post on Social Media and YouTube
  • GPS navigator for the truck
  • Macbook Pro
  • iPhone 8+
  • Get sponsored for my travels and gear tests for camping
  • Build out my social media following
  • Focus on these platforms for growth, Blog, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, & Patreon


  • For shelter and a warm bed to sleep in and a nice pillow 🙂
  • For good health and functional body
  • For my freedoms and liberties
  • For being alive today and for wonderful opportunities to expand my future
  • For my family
  • For my Nicki, her health, love, energy, and companionship
  • For the nice weather and cool evenings
  • For my tools, laptop, iPhone, Internet, iPad
  • For electricity and refrigeration
  • For good food, clean water, coffee, and tea
  • For my stove, propane, and tea pot for making hot water
  • For work opportunities and money coming in the door from all over the place
  • For the great truck and utility and reliability
  • For the money I do have
  • For the support of the community


  • Today I see my way clearly and take the appropriate actions forward
  • I am being helped today with my finances and getting all back in line
  • I am finding accessible and easily to set up and manageable passive income sources today
  • I am attracting opportunities for greatness today
  • I am in the flow of financial abundance today and money is working for me, today!
  • I am responsible with my new income and make wise choices today
  • I am happy and joyful in my life
  • I am being helped and guided today
  • I choose high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life today
  • Today is going to be awesome and I am moving forward with efficiency


  • What subjects can I teach to post and have people interested to sign up for reoccurring revenue every week/month?
  • What areas can I earn money online w/o a huge setup or hassle and have it be fun and educational?
  • Where should my focus be on in order to get things on track this fall so I’m set up for the Spring time bringing in at minimum $4k a month?
  • How do I deepen my spiritual walk and lead with this moving forward with the business?
  • How do I become a better version of myself today than yesterday?
  • How do I become relaxed, chill, and follow the process with intention and purpose?
  • How do I write more effectively?
  • Whom do I need find to sponsor my life style, i.e the camping gear in order to feature and also use?
Namaste my friends 🙂

Monday September 9th – GGAQ’s & The Soul’s Cry

Today’s Quote“May my soul bloom in love for all of existence” ~ Rudolf Steiner
Good morning and happy new moon,
I trust you had a nice weekend and got caught up on something personal things and maybe even a nap! I did a lot of thinking this past weekend about various things, mostly how to move my life forward with the business and integrating my spirituality into it all at the same time. It’s really a balance no doubt, so many things I desire to pursue and do, so many opportunies to wade through – it’s a good “problem” to have!
Today I read a passage from the book, “The Art of Living” by Epictetus, A new interpretation by Sharon Lebell – this is such a great little book to keep handy. I thought the passage today was applicable and may yield some insight to our lives as we move forward over this coming week. My favorite part of this passage is the part about Philosophy asking us to move into courage, I believe that is such an important aspect and one I desire to work on more in my life!
Enjoy! 🙂
The Soul’s Cry
“Philosophy’s main task is to respond to the soul’s cry; to make sense of and thereby free ourselves from the hold of our griefs and fears.
Philosophy calls us when we’ve reached the end of our rope. The insistent feeling that something is not right with our lives and the longing to be restored to our better selves will not go away. Our fears of death and being alone, our confusion about love and sex, and our sense of impotence in the face of our anger and outsized ambitions bring us to ask our first sincere philosophical questions.
It’s true: there is no obvious apparent meaning to our lives. Cruelty, injustice, bodily discomfort, illness, annoyances, and inconveniences big and small are the prosaic facts of any day. So what do we do about this? How do we – in spite of the pain and suffering in the outside world and our own wayward emotions – live ennobled lives rather than succumbing to the a despairing numbness and merely coping like a mule with tedium and unbidden responsibilities?
When the soul cries out, it is a sign the we have arrived at a necessary, mature stage of self-reflection. The secret is not to get stuck there dithering or wringing your hands, but to move forward by resolving to heal yourself. Philosophy asks us to move into courage. Its remedy is the unblinking excavation of the faulty and specious premises on which we base our lives and our personal identity. “
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂
GGAQ’s & the beginning…
– Yesterday was an interesting day, it started off well and I actually got a lot done. Started my Patreon page for the content I’m putting out as well as well as got a video up on YouTube.
– Started out this morning a little cold, it was low 50’s this morning and I realized I need to get a new sleeping bag, however it’s going to be 90 today in Fort Collins…
– Woke up at 06:06 and got up and made the bed and took miss Nicki for a walk.
– Drove over to Mugs Coffee and got my delicious Bullet Americano, did some reading in my Epictetus book and did my tarot reading.
– The tarot had some interesting aspects for me to ponder today and some of which I will be taking into consideration as I go throughout my next couple of days.
  • To build a revenue generating blog apart from my personal
  • To obtain a Macbook Pro and iPhone 8 +
  • Get a car for work and getting around
  • To build out my YouTube channel
  • Focus and schedule my events and priorities
  • Stay committed to my souls contract and spiritualism
  • So NO to more things that are not truely in alignment
  • Passive income to $300 by end of September
  • Write 5x blog posts this week
  • Shot and post minimum of one video on YouTube this week
  • Find opportunities to grow personally
  • For the ability to have a flexible work schedule in which to write and build out my online presense
  • For warm and clean clothes
  • For shelter and warm bed
  • For clean water, good food, and coffee
  • For my propane stove to make hot water
  • For my French Press and Aero Press 
  • For ideas and opportunities that are in flow to me today
  • For my truck, fuel, good tires, it’s reliability and utility
  • For good shoes and sandals 
  • For my portable shower, refrigeration, and electricity 
  • For my life and good health
  • For free food during my shift yesterday
  • For making some great cash and getting tipped during work yesterday
  • For my family, Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Nephew, and bro-in-law
  • For today and for a fresh start
  • For miss Nicki
  • For internet, cell service, iPhone, iPad, and laptop
  • For so so much good in my life
  • For Mugs delicious coffee this morning 🙂
  • I am seeing the clearly the way forward and I know which steps and actions to take today
  • Opportunities for greatness are in flow to me today and I know which ones to act on and which ones to say no to
  • I am making right choices for my life today
  • I am in the flow of financial abundance and it’s helping me meet and exceed my goals for my life
  • I choose high frequency actions, beliefs, and thoughts for my life today
  • I am guided and directed by the Universe and my Spiritual Guides today for my life
  • I choose to do what’s right for my soul, spirit, life, and body today
  • I am receiving an extra $500 this week from an unknown source
  • What are the action and tasks I need to say no to in order to move efficiently and effectively forward in my life and in the online business?
  • What places do I need to look and what steps do I take to generate $300 by end of the month online?
  • How do I build a valuable business that supports my nomadic lifestyle?
  • How do I get really helpful camping items to sponsor and promote that also help me?
  • Who can I help, show love to, and support today?
  • How do I become the best version of myself today and have joy at the same time?
  • What tasks do I need to focus on in order to help people where they are now and have my work resonate?
  • How do I cultivate joy and happiness at all times regardless of external circumstance?
  • What fun thing can I do today?
Namaste my Friends 🙂

September 7th, My GGAQ’s and thoughts on EMOTIONS

Today’s Quote“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.” ~ Plato
Good Friday evening,
Is this not an interesting quote? My thoughts for the last few days have centered on how much the emotions play into our daily behavior. From a personal example, being stressed about my financial scenario causes me to want to eat unhealthily but also to over eat. I never used to have to this issue, however it’s more of a feel good mechanism when I think about climbing up this huge mountain of responsibility and action that’s needed.
I realized how being centered and being mindful can really help the emotions from taking over, or rather lessening the effects. Yet, as with anything that is good, it takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to build up the resiliency that’s needed in order to stay the course. How do you control the emotions when life is not where you want it? How do you become focused on the bigger picture rather then fret over the circumstances that are right before you? How do you see that all is really good in your present world if you just choose to see it rather than focusing on what you don’t have…?
I ask because I’m not sure I know – I do know that meditating has been incredibly helpful! There is another component that I believe is miss understood and that’s, TIME! Its feeling like there is never enough time to complete a said task or a said business or a said life. We rush around being “busy” at things that are not truly inline with our purpose. For example, I’m rebuilding my entire business and taking it all online. This takes a rather long approach to generating the revenue, but it will come over time. So I sit here and ask myself, well I need immediate income to pay the bills and feed myself, what’s that work?
I have found several opportunities that are working perfectly, but I still fret about not having enough when in reality all my needs are met, right here and right now. I get anxious that things are not working and it’s taking to long, and then my emotions begin to take over and start to work my mind into a frenzy… then I begin making poor decisions. If I have to many of these moments, I begin to see the incredible loss of momentum that comes from this mindset of lack thinking.
I had this thought today and it was this, “Dave, stop fucking around and go do what you need to do…!”
I must become disciplined in my life in order to yield the fruit I so desperately desire. Perhaps, I have not wanted it bad enough to really plant my ass in the chair and do the work that’s needed. Perhaps, I would rather wish and procrastinate then go do something that furthers the mission that I ultimately do desire for my life. Why do I side track and not commit and then bitch to myself and others how things just are “not” working when in reality it’s me who is not working my life. It’s about being truly committed and when you are you don’t allow the millions of other distractions pull you away from going deep and staying hyoer focused on one or two things. It’s about realizing that there is plenty of time so long as we don’t whore it out to everything that comes our way… just a thought! 🙂
I really am going to begin working on this more in the coming days and weeks. To stay on course with a plan, focus on just the core essentials of building the business, and do the things that I know will work in the long term. The most important aspect, is patience and discipline and to remind myself that there is plenty of time available!
Some thoughts going into your weekend.
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂
GGAQ’s & the beginning…
– I woke up at 05:55 but went back to sleep till 06:15, getting up on a regular basis is good however the hard thing for me is going to bed on time. Went to the coffee shop and did some light reading and did my GGAQ’s and took it easier and spent time looking for freelance work
– I did meditate for 5 minutes and did some yoga at the park on my break
– I had a good day at work and made decent money for the hours I clocked in for.
– I was grateful for two things, I got tipped cash on my last delivery and at lunch I got a free sandwich – SCORE!!
– Took today easier and really thought about where I need to be focusing my time in on
  • To get my shit together
  • Get my passive income stream up to $300 by end of September
  • To commit to my spiritual growth today
  • To commit to my personal growth today
  • To build a schedule for the Fall to commit to and stick to
  • To commit to being non-reactive and build my life on strength and truth
  • To be content during the transition times in my life
  • A shop to work out of
  • Macbook Pro & iPhone 8+
  • Build the blog week by week with 5 articles a week
  • Build the YouTube channel
  • Build out a passive income channel for products in my niche
  • Dial in my niche
  • For my life and opportunity to be alive
  • For Mugs Coffee
  • For shelter and warm bed
  • For my tools, Laptop, iPhone, internet
  • For refrigeration and electricity
  • For the help from those around me
  • For my family
  • For my Nicki and her health
  • For $$ I do have and am attracting whenever I need it
  • For my clean water, food, and coffee
  • For services to help me earn freelance income
  • For the Universe and my Spiritual guides
  • I am finding opportunities to move my life forward today
  • I am financially abundant and am finding opportunities to bring in additional support income
  • I am awesome and happy
  • I am calm patient and reliable
  • I am strong and centered at all times
  • How do I become at peace in the moment?
  • What are the aspects that I spend my time and energy on?
  • What are the tasks I begin saying, NO! to?
Namaste my friends 🙂

September 6th – GGAQ’s & Thoughts on Transition & Direction

Today’s Quote“All transitions are composed of an ending, a neutral zone, and a new beginning” ~ William Bridges
Good morning,
Today’s theme is on transition and change – life has been one change after another for my life over the past several months. I was thinking the other day how much this has brought about in my life, I have literally thrown away old attachments, both physical and mental. There has been a sense of freedom and liberation from not having so much “stuff” to contend with, there is also a sense of loss though – When you remove the old and familiar there tends to be a void that you want to fill. This neutral zone is when you learn to grow and change your mental capacities.
The void can be scary and even terrifying, but then I began to think, yes, but look at all the new opportunities that are now available to me and the freedom of choice. There is a lot of joy that can be brought on by mentally being OK with the loss and moving into the new that there is for one’s life. When you know there is a change needed, how do you deal with it? How do you best remove it, and what then takes the place of the removed item, physical or mental?
It’s important to take careful aim at the things that are coming within a transition period. How will you deal and where do you desire to go? I have given this much thought and honestly it really unsettles me and causes this flailing of sorts. Your mind tends to drive it’s self in circles trying to figure out the why and how of things when that’s not it’s purpose. To live a life true to ourselves and true to our inner wisdom and guidance we have to trust in the transitions of life, to leave the unfamiliar and to embrace the new and uncertain.
Think about it, at one time the familiar was unfamiliar and you didn’t trust it, then over time with experience and trying it on for size it became what it is now, a comfortable thing in which you rely. However is it good to keep holding on? Is it limiting you from the life you see in your mind and the one you are supposed to be living? I ask myself this a lot and it’s definitely challenging but it’s also incredibly freeing when you no longer are able to hold onto the old and you jump confidently into your new life. Stop hiding and being ashamed of who you are, be bold and be courageous – point your bow confidently and shoot your arrow with intention and accept the new and uncertain transition.
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂
GGAQ’s & the beginning…
– I woke up at 05:55, so today will be another adventure, I slept OK and was ready to get up and handle the business for the day
– I drove over to Ziggi’s Coffee here in the old town area of Longmont, it’s really the only good coffee shop I have found in town, however a better one could be crafted. Why do most coffee houses not have comfy chairs – maybe they don’t want you staying long…. lol
– I read my 12 Rules for Life book and did a tarot reading from my favorite deck – which was super insightful as always
– I will meditate and do yoga on my work break later this morning and then hit the road with doing deliveries for Uber and DoorDash (If you want to sign up for this one, put my phone number in the referral field: 970.305.5474)
  • Write 5x blog posts a week
  • Post 1x YouTube video a week on Fridays
  • Get a passive income stream to $300 by end of September
  • Camper to live in for the winter
  • Macbook Pro and iPhone 8+ by end of year
  • Debt free by end of 2018
  • Commitment to my spiritual growth today
  • Find outlets to build my online revenue and continue to be location independent
  • Read two books a month
  • Car for work, CRV or RAV4
  • Save $500 a month
  • Insurance renewal for the truck next week
  • Income of 4k a month by end of year
  • Podcast and teaching courses by beginning of next year
  • To have a new day and time to work with and on my life
  • For shelter and a warm bed
  • For a place to live this Winter
  • For coffee, clean water, and healthy food
  • For my tools, laptop, iPhone, Internet, books, pens, and notepads
  • For a refrigerator and electricty
  • For my Base Camp Shower system – hot showers in the woods are amazing 🙂
  • For the money I do have and for the abundance that I am in flow of today
  • For my truck, good tires, fuel in the tank, and it’s reliability
  • For help from the Universe and wisdom of my guides
  • For coffee shops to work out of and a place to wake up in the morning
  • For my pup Nicki 🙂
  • For my family
  • Opportunities for greatness and expansion are in route to me today
  • My communication is clear and concise and is resonating with my audience
  • I am trusting in my personal power and the help from my higher inteligence
  • I am choosing high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life today
  • I am in the flow of financial abundance and am attracting it from various sources
  • I am in the flow of life and it works for me in all areas of my life
  • I am a total success
  • I am an amazing writer and teacher
  • I have all I need to move my life forward in a clear and purposeful way, today!
  • How do I communicate my voice, ideas, and vision with clarity and purpose to my audience, today?
  • Where do I need to devote my time and energy t in order to meet and exceed my goals and have fun doing it?
  • What topics should I write about to help people with their struggles that we are all facing?
  • How do I bring in an additional $400 a week in passive and earned income?
  • Who should my target niche and audience be?
  • Whom can I help, show love to, and encourage, today?
  • How do I become comfortable and more flexible in my daily life and be OK with the uncertainty?
  • How do I become a better version of myself today?
Namaste my Friends 🙂

September 5th – GGAQ’s & Thoughts on A Balanced Life

Today’s Quote: In reaching for balance, we find alignment. ~ Sue Krebs
Good afternoon/evening,
I found myself asking, how is it already Wednesday? My goodness how the days fly by… I’m somehow always struggling with slowing down and just being in the moment rather than always having my thoughts on the future or the past, it’s actually really hard to do. For the first time of working on this for well over a year I finally had a moment in which I was present – it was so calming.
It’s a very powerful alignment, balancing the mind, wow, how challenging is that? Remember when you first where able to ride your bike without the help of someone or without those training wheels? How freeing and exhilarating that was! Balancing your life can be the same way, as I had experienced for a brief moment the other day. It made me wonder, if this is possible, how do you experience more of it in ALL areas so that you begin to live in harmony with the chaos that live is?
That’s a big question and one that makes you really begin to analyze your life and your daily decisions that are being made. It definitely called into question some details of my life that have been a literal struggle my whole life. However, as I have worked through these aspects it begun to give me a new appreciation for the true inner wisdom there is to pull from when you are faced with difficulties in life. There is a clarity and correctness in your decisions when you listen to your inner wisdom.
Perhaps this clarity has come in the two forms that I have been asking for. They come in the form of meditation daily and asking for clarity and insight to questions I have been asking recently. I have posted these to my blog so you can read through them and see my journey as I seek a new life that’s in alignment to my life’s purpose. It’s fascinating to see how that living in harmony and balance can yield so much good in life and thus the ego dies a little more.
Love & Light
GGAQ’s and the beginning…
– Slept in this morning as I had an opportunity to do a little camping last night up in Gilpin County, CO. I was staying up late watching this massive thunder storm move over Denver, the lighting was intense! I was right on the edge up in the mountains and the stars where so clear above me, and then there was this crazy storm rage on the other side of me. There was this small little fox that started hanging around while I was cooking dinner and Nicki kept chasing it off, he must have smelled the good chicken and Egg plant I was grilling up for dinner!
– Took a shower with my awesome little Mr. Heater BOSS-XW18 Basecamp Battery Operated Shower System, before it started to cloud up and storm, did my GGAQ’s and did a reading.
– Now I’m here at the Brewing Market in Longmont writing this blog post 🙂
  • Look for opportunities to expand my mind for wisdom and understanding
  • Write 5 blog posts a week
  • Shoot, edit, and post one video on YouTube a week on Fridays
  • Stay committed to my spiritual growth
  • Stay committed to my health
  • Half of debt gone by end of 2018
  • Passive income to $300 by end of September
  • Travel to West Coast in 2019, find and set a date
  • Small suv for work
  • For opportunities that abound all around me
  • For the wisdom and guidance of the universe and my Guides
  • For people’s help and support
  • For my family
  • For my Nicki and her health
  • For my health, mind, body, energy
  • For my tools, iPhone, Laptop, Internet, truck
  • For Clean and warm clothes
  • For a refrigerator
  • For electricity and a shower
  • For today and all it’s blessings
  • For having money in my account and work opportunities
  • For finding a place to rent
  • I am seeing the way forward and my path is being cleared
  • I know the right course of action for my life and take the appropriate action
  • I am being helped from all various places
  • Opportunities for greatness and abundance are in the flow to me today
  • I choose high frequency actions, beliefs, and thoughts for my life today
  • I am succeeding and choosing the right things to put my time and effort into
  • Life works with and for me and I have all I need to move forward with expediency
  • What tasks should I be devoting my time to in order to fulfill my goals
  • What books should I be reading?
  • Who are the people I need to meet and work with?
  • Who can help me move along in my path with more efficiency and power?
  • What experiences do I need to develop my inner fortitude?
  • How do I become a better version of my self today than I was yesterday?
  • How do I and what are the steps for exponential growth in all areas of my life?
  • Whom can I help and show love to today?
Namaste my friends 🙂

September 4th, ’18 – GGAQ’s & Thoughts on Renewal

Good morning,
    I trust you had a nice holiday weekend – did you labor on Labor Day? I did for a while in the evening, however I did rest and relax and do some chores. I got super tired about half way through my shift so I decided to call it a night, get some awesome Afghan food at Maza Kabob in Fort Collins – Wow my new favorite restaurant! Took a hike with my pup and then crashed out early – It was needed as I feel much better this morning and glad I didn’t push it yesterday.
    I do have to say that I like the ability to be flexible with my schedule and make enough to pay the bills and keep moving forward while I build a passive income through my writing, teaching, and various other forms. I can say it’s difficult to manage all the things I desire to do. However they are good things, but I need to stay focused on the things that move me forward the most effectively and efficiently – not scattering my energy in all various directions.
    I’ve been thinking about this aspect of renewal and how we can use it and integrate it into our lives. We get SO busy we often loose touch with allowing ourselves rest and relaxation. Life become so much about doing and not enough about reflection and contemplation. Doing can be good, however if that’s all we ever do we are hugely out of balance. Perhaps it’s more about saying no to things that don’t serve our higher good or that ultimately waste our time. We have all been guilty of playing those mind sucking games on our phones and computers for more than necessary, but are they really good for us and allow us to relax or do they continue to feed the doing?
    Take time to balance your life in all areas and don’t make excuses for the way things are or should be. Be honest with yourself and do the things that are right for you, your life, and your family. Build the meaningful relationships with those closest to you and most importantly, build a quality relationship with yourself. If your health, mind, finances, and work are out of balance, perhaps it’s time to sit down and really focus on the important aspects and shed the ones that truly don’t serve you and build balance and renewal into your daily living – always remember, one day at a time!
Have a terrific day and let me know your thoughts… 🙂
Love & Light
GGAQ’s & the Beginning…
– Got up semi early, 06:15, didn’t sleep all that well, however I do feel more rested today and ready to handle today’s affairs.
– Took a hike this morning with my Nicki and then went over to my Mugs Coffee shop and drank my Bullet coffee… 🙂 I did remember waking up around 3 am and thinking every minute was a minute closer to getting up and drinking coffee…weird I know!
– I will meditate and do some yoga this morning after I’m done writing and working.
– I am going to be working on my writing channels, teaching through setting up a, and my channel… lot’s to work on for sure!
  • Write 5x blog post this week
  • Write 5x HubSpot blog posts
  • Do 1 product review this week, video and write up
  • Shoot and post 1 product video on YouTube this week, by Friday
  • Identify 10 products to promote for affiliate marketing
  • Shop for the truck and to have a place to work
  • Build a camper for the truck
  • Build a passive income stream that works out to be $5 dollars a day by end of September – to pay for my coffee habit 🙂
  • Read 2x books a month
  • Commit to the process of mastery and self development and spiritualism today
  • Build a schedule to stay focused and keep moving forward and not be distracted
  • Macbook Pro and iPhone 8+
  • Debt all eliminated by December 31st, 2018
  • For today and for a new month to work on all these awesome freelance endeavors
  • For my truck, good tires, brakes, and fuel in the tank
  • For my warm bed, shelter, and soft pillow
  • For electricity and a refrigerator
  • For money coming in the door from all over, for customer tips, and people helping me
  • For the laptop, iPhone, Internet, LG pad, cell phone provider
  • For books, blogs, YouTube, DoorDash, Uber, and other platforms
  • For coffee, water, good food
  • For my dog Nicki, her health, love, and protection
  • For my life, health, intuition, and wisdom
  • For my family, Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Nephew, and Bro-in-Law
  • For clean clothes, warmth, and blankets
  • For income and ways of bringing in $$ to help support myself and my mission
  • For the Universe and Spiritual guides
  • I am attracting and finding clarity in my mission and ways of moving forward
  • I am seeing and finding ways to bring in passive income daily to build by financial nest
  • I am choosing high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life today
  • I am financially abundant and attracting large income opportunities into my life
  • I am being helped and I am choosing ways that help me and give me more time
  • Opportunities for greatness are in flow to me today and I choose to accept them
  • I am coordinating my time with efficiency and strategy and action today
  • I am attracting passive income streams into my life today
  • I am choosing to listen to my Sprites wisdom and direction for my life today
  • I am choosing to do the right thing in every movement of my life today
  • Today is going to amazing and grateful to be alive
  • Where do I look to generate passive income by $10 a day?
  • How do I continue to grow and expand my spiritualism today?
  • How do I create more efficiency into my life and create more time?
  • What are the books I need to read to help me expand my mind?
  • What are the products that I can review for passive income?
  • What are the articles I can write to build a passive income steam and also help guide and direct people?
  • How do I use my time most effectively and efficiently to maximize the forward motion for my life today?
  • How do I add value and benefit to humanity and help others?
  • Whom can I help and show love to, today?
Namaste my Friends 🙂

Thursday August 30th – GGAQ’s & Some Thoughts on Struggle

Today’s Quote“Trust Your Struggle” 
Good morning and happy Friday eve!
    Today’s theme is on the aspect of struggle and how it pertains to our lives as a whole. I can speak from personal experience when I say that I have had some significant challenges that have nearly broken me. Perhaps not physically in it’s entirety, rather the mental challenges and struggling to find direction and purpose for my life. Looking back over the years I have definitely been on a lot of different paths regarding career, relationships, personal interests, etc. I have always wondered, why do I struggle so much and more than those around me in regards to my situation…?
    Perhaps, I wondered, there was a larger meaning behind it all and why things never seemed to work out for one reason or another. Part of it was realizing what I resonated with and what I knew I wanted or did not want – that was a good thing but it also caused me to spin off on many different directions. I can say that those closest to me, i.e. my family, really have been concerned for my well being over the past several years since I graduated college. I always knew I would be OK and it’s true, I sit here today with more clarity and perspective and also a wealth of experiences to draw from. I also can say that I know myself better and with that I don’t have any regrets for not trying out a slew of different opportunities.
    All the paths I have taken in my life have caused me to struggle and with that also has come strength and wisdom. I say all of this to encourage you to begin seeing your life and all it’s struggles as a good thing even if it does not seem like it. Like the Moon, there is a dark side and a light side, every situation has a positive and a negative – which one do you choose to see? It’s about acceptance for where you are and realizing that your struggle does not last forever nor does it break you unless you allow it to. Trust yourself and trust your struggle as it will become a lot more clear to you in the future when you look back. You have the inner greatness and strength, trust in that and find your own inner back-stop!
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂
GGAQ’s & the beginning….
– I worked late last night till about 01:30 and that caused me to sleep in a little later this morning, closer to 06:15. However the Sunrise was gorgeous and I took a nice little walk this morning with my pup
– I went over to the coffee shop, Mugs Coffee, which seriously is a great spot in Fort Collins to hang out in the morning, did my readings and wrote
– I will be working on my video for YouTube today and looking for writing opportunities to pursue
– I will meditate and do yoga later on my work break before I head over to my other income source 🙂
  • Find a paid writing gig in my field of interest
  • Shoot one video for YouTube – today
  • Write 5x blog posts a week – doing well at this so far 🙂
  • Connect with 10 people 5 days a week on twitter and WordPress
  • Place to crash in the mountains – I believe I found the ideal spot
  • Shop to work on my truck
  • Camper for the truck
  • Car to get around town in and for work
  • Pay off all debts by December 31st, 2018
  • Generator for the camper
  • Travel to the West Coast this Fall
  • To stay committed to my Spiritual growth daily
  • Read two books a month
  • For seeing the way forward and for the help from those around me
  • For my Guides & wisdom and guidance from the Universe
  • For Tarot, books, and amazing individuals all around me
  • For tools and platforms
  • Laptop, iPhone, Internet, YouTube, WordPress, Twitter, Craigslist
  • For work and the opportunities to bring in cash to support my Freelancing
  • For my truck, fuel in the tank, great tires, and space for me and Nicki
  • For my awesome Nicki and her health
  • For my Family, Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Nephew, Bro in law
  • For my fridge, electricity, coffee pot, French Press, stove
  • For great food, clean water, healthy vitamins and minerals
  • For my life and it’s struggles that have made me who I am and where I am going
  • The things that have muddled my clarity are being lifted and removed from my vision and I am seeing the way forward, today!
  • Opportunities for my future greatness are on it’s way to me today
  • I am in the flow of abundance in all areas of my life, financial, relationships, work, career growth
  • An opportunity to grow in my education and spiritual growth and business is coming to me today and I will know
  • I choose high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life, today
  • I am choosing to the right things for my life today as well as for others
  • I choose to live my life in honesty and integrity
  • I am helped by my guides and those around me and I choose to give back where and when I can
  • Where do I look to build up my resume of work and experience to become a better and more effective writer?
  • Where do I look for paid opportunities in my pursuit of my higher self, today?
  • Whom do I need to be and emulate in order to grow exponentially, today?
  • Where and how do I create $500 in passive income every week?
  • How can I bring in $1k in freelance work a week and where do I need to look?
  • Whom can I help and show love and kindness to, today?
  • What experiences, books, coaches and work do I need in order to my my life forward today?
  • How do I have more fun and enjoy the process and to find ways to bring joy to my life and those around me, today?
Namaste my friends 🙂

August 29th, GGAQ’s & Thoughts on the Karma of Judgement

Daily Quote: Be careful of the Karma of Judgement. When you say, “How could anyone…,” or “I can’t understand why someone would…,” you are literally asking the universe to give you that experience. Karma isn’t about punishment or reward, it’s about understanding. When you judge someone, you will soon find yourself in a similar position as they were. You will then see why they made the seemingly bad choices they made, and you may even make the exact same ones. If not, at least you will know why they did.” ~ Doe Zantamata
Good morning,
    Happy Wednesday and middle of the week for the most. How has the week been going for you? I feel that there is a good shift in the energy this week and things are moving forward with more direction. School is back in session, the Fall is bringing about cooler air and changing colors and the trees are already dropping their leaves. I have to say I’m happy that the Summer is coming to a close, it’s been incredibly intense with so many things happening. I can say in my life this Summer has not been very relaxing however it was necessary to herald in a brand new change and a freeing.
    It was hard to look back and see that while going through the midst of all the change that it was good for me, I did somehow know in the back of mind that it was, but it was hard to see the forest for the trees. Which this brings me to the topic of judgement and how we look at elements in our lives and those around as well. How often do we find ourselves judging those around us? Take driving for example, yes, we have all been there with a driver who doesn’t drive according to how we think they should… yet, we ourselves have been where that driver is, looking for an address and driving slow. Or we make ourselves feel better in our lives by judging another for where they are to make up for our own short comings.
    I am guilty of this all the time and I wonder how I could be better at not passing judgement. I have even thought about not judging myself so harshly for where I am according to where I think I should be, and that is a tough one to swallow. How often do we get mad and angry at our situation, judging it unfairly for it’s current feedback? Wow, I can say I do this a lot in my life and I see how unfulfilling it is and often yields a loss of direction and action forward. Think about how you can be first and foremost kind and gentler to yourself and see yourself in a new light of where you are – seek the compassion for your life first. If we choose to do this to ourselves I believe we then can pave the way forward to pass kindness and compassion on to another person rather than judging unfairly.
Love & Light
Namaste 🙂
GGAQ’s & the beginning…
– It’s Wednesday, I slept in a bit later this morning and got up at 05:55 – today will be an amazing adventure 🙂
– Took my pup to the park and walked around for a bit and realized it was a lot colder this morning, 54 degrees… great sleeping weather 🙂
  • Write everyday, something, blog, essay, journal, etc
  • Camper for the truck
  • Shop to work out of
  • 5x blog posts a week
  • Shoot 1x video per week
  • Podcast idea – strategy
  • Freelance to earn $1k a week
  • Passive income stream of $500 a week
  • Car to get around in while I work on my truck
  • Pay off all debts by end of the year, December 31st, 2018
  • Macbook Pro
  • iPhone 8+
  • Build the birds nest
  • Stay committed to the growth process and goals
  • Attract financial abundance into my life, it’s already happening
  • Send love and compassion to one person today
  • For today and the beautiful Sunshine and cool weather this morning
  • For a good nights rest, a warm bed, and shelter
  • For my life and the new opportunities coming to me today and tomorrow
  • For my Nicki and her health, love, and companionship
  • For a mailbox
  • For work opportunities
  • For a good truck that runs amazing, and provides so much
  • For tools, Laptop, iPhone, books, notepads, pens, internet
  • For coffee, clean food and water
  • For my Family, Mom, Dad, Liz, Jon, Blake, and Dan
  • For my spiritual guides and help from the Universe
  • For a fridge, coffee maker, tea pot, stove, and electricity
  • For a bank and finding money all over the place
  • For storage to keep my stuff secure
  • I am building my future on greatness and quality
  • I am successful at attracting abundance into my life in all areas, relationships, work, clients, financial, joy, and happyness
  • I am grateful for my life
  • Opportunities for greatness are abundant in my life and they are coming to me today
  • I am abundant in my finances and I am in the flow of it today
  • I choose to put my time forward into quality and care for lasting impact
  • I choose high frequency thoughts, actions, and beliefs for my life today
  • I see the way forward and know how to put the action steps into place
  • Life is amazing and things are working for me as I am doing the right things
  • I send love and light to humanity and choose to see the good in everyone
  • What’s my nest consist of and what are the opportunities that I can work on to get me finally on the road to large progress?
  • What should my podcast focus on?
  • What resources and opportunities should I look for and whom do work with?
  • How do I bring in a passive income of $500 a week?
  • What can I build that high quality and attracts the right audience?
  • What books, mentors, and clients, coaches do I need in my life?
  • What experiences do I need to grow my life exponentially?
Namaste my friends 🙂