Illusions of perception

Hello – I trust your day is off to a great start and thank you for your time.

This question has been on my mind as I picked up a book the other day based on a recommendation,”The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman – have you read and what are your thoughts?

The book resonated with me as do most books when the time is right in a persons mind. The ground of my mind has been tilled over and over the last couple of months, forcing me to change, change, change… and wow is this exhausting yet it’s what I needed for me to move beyond my own limitations and experience life and that which I desired.

So what are my illusions? Is it the person I’ve built, the experiences and the past that shape the person I am? Does these illusions serve to help me or hinder me…


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Nonessentials (1)

I’ve been giving this much thought as of late and wanted to ask the community for their feedback and discussion.

Since the beginning of May, 2018 I have been purging physical elements from my life and world. In a way I began to clear all the negative psychic energy that was causing a lot of blockages in my life. I didn’t realize how much broken and useless elements I was holding onto and caring everywhere with me.

Then the next aspect which is now clear to me in my mind – what are the beliefs and illusions I’ve been holding onto that are broken, dirty, old, and useless? I’ve identified two that I wanted to share and they are: being OK with not having and fear of loss…

What are your experiences and lessons and how did you overcome them?


Lessons from Discipline Equals Freedom

Welcome to Catalyst Creators, where you will gain insights, tips, and distinctions in which to apply, TODAY.
Who is Jocko Willink and why am I reviewing this Author’s Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual? Jacko is an Ex-Navy Seal who exemplifies the character and discipline from the very hard and challenging lessons he has learned in his life through his active and post military career.  He is a business coach and mentor to businesses, communities, and those needing to move the needle forward in their life and also has his own Podcast, The Jocko Podcast
I choose this book as it has made me face my own faults and lack of discipline. Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual is a book that is meant to inspire and help you challenge your thinking in order to stop asking the “why or how” questions and develop the ACT NOW principles that he teaches. Discipline in all areas is what we are seeking whether consciously or not.
I was introduced  this book via my own proxy mentor, Tim Ferriss. I have been a long time student of Mr. Ferriss and he has given me much help through my various struggles in my life over the last many years to find purpose and meaning. Jocko was interviewed on the Tim Ferriss show Podcast ( and I was turned on to this book at the very time I need to hear this message. This is meant to help and inspire you to become more than you belief you can.
I’m going to be sharing with you 3 takeaways that you can implement into your life today in order for you to take that very next step into your GREATNESS.
#1 – First take away, Develop Self Discipline. It is just that, it comes from your SELF. He says “…when you make the decision to become more, to BE more and make a mark on the World – you have to decide to be disciplined, it’s making the commitment to better yourself everyday…” to expect more out of yourself, your life, and who you intuitively know you are at your core essence.
For me this is STEPPING UP and facing the hard and scary facts of life that, YES I’m afraid to admit where I fall short and have made SO many excuses. Yet, its first about admitting to yourself that you have made mistakes, take a breath and say to yourself, it’s OK, I have this next moment to choose to become more and expect more. Every time you do that, you build courage and faith and resilience within yourself. The more you practice the more you exemplify and others begin to take notice and see you as someone who they can trust and rely on and you in turn challenge them to see their own selves as having the ability to grow.
#2 – Darkness & Fear – How many of you struggle with the complexities that life throws down on us? The human pain and suffering that you and I face as we navigate the complex world of life, family, career, health, or financial is this DARKNESS. He re-frames the elements of Fear and Darkness and helps you to see it as a compass for what is lying dormant inside of you – that ability to face the bitterness and see it as an opportunity to dig deep, to grow, to EXPAND, and to find the courage within ALL of us to develop into our higher selves.
Personally I have struggled with becoming a leader, a man, a person who takes responsibility for his actions. This point really drove home for me the ability to find within myself the courage to admit failure and to dig deeper and ask the hard questions of why I wasn’t where I needed or desired to be. I’m discovering that I’m my own greatest OBSTACLE.
#3 – My third and final takeaway was this, it’s taking action on the small things in life in order for this Discipline to begin to affect other areas of your life. I’m aware you have heard the phrase, “An APPLE a day keeps the DR. away…” This tagline is so true as taking the small step of eating an apple will begin to make you aware that there are other good habits you can begin to instill into your life, and then those positive habits breed more good habits, as long as you take that first step and choose to continue to take steps.
The lesson most important for me as he talks about is, GET UP EARLY, set the alarm for 4:45 and be up by 5AM. This is a really hard one for me as my ENTIRE life I have lived via the snooze button…. I could talk more on that as I believe this has really caused a lot of suffering in more areas of my life… yet it’s like that apple, it’s a small yet fundamental discipline that you start your day with and over time getting up early allows you to take charge of your day and handle the important elements of your life before the busy world begins grabbing for your time, i.e. eMails, phone calls, your kids, spouse… etc.
I have begun to practice and implement this principle and I can already say it has impacted my life thus far in the last several months of implementing this valuable lesson. Granted I do fail and not always do I succeed at getting up at my desired time in the morning, yet regardless I continue to take this step and it is getting easier and I can see the positive results. I now take this time to read, meditate, and walk my dog before the world begins to impose their wishes upon me. I feel stronger, more alive and ready to tackle the challenges that the day may bring.
To summarize, look at these as tools in your toolbox for life. Take ACTION and get up early and start with that first aspect of SELF DISCIPLINE. The FEAR AND DARKNESS you will face is part of the journey of life, it’s not meant to be feared, yet an OPPORTUNITY for growth and a compass to guide you in the direction of what your bigger purpose on this planet. Remember, the component of SELF Discipline is SO important as it takes US, YOU & ME, to commit to this process and dig deep and find within ourselves the resilience and the determination to take control of our lives and be the leaders we are destined to be for the world that needs US!
I would encourage you to see how these specific principles might help challenge and empower you to see yourself and the world differently as they have for myself.
Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual has been vastly important in my life and I share this book with you, my audience, as I know you are looking for that one aspect of your life to find the fulfillment you are seeking. You are destined for greatness and each and every one of you has it within you. I would recommend seeing how Jocko Willink can help you as he has myself.
Remember, everyday is about taking those SMALL incremental steps in which a lifetime of beauty is created – “HERE IS TO YOUR GREATNESS”
I LOVE YOU – We’ll see you next time

Continue reading Lessons from Discipline Equals Freedom

A Prayer For The Past

Let all those who guide me support me in peeling away

whatever it is that keeps me blind to what’s possible,

that keeps me hidden from my greatness,

that keeps me separate from my loved ones

today I ask you to lighten my heart, to lift my burdens,

my worries, my fears, my anxieties, my grief

so that I may know and cherish all that I am

I see it, I feel it, I acknowledge it right now

and so I know that it is


Be careful of success

There is a saying out there, when times are good, people tend to party and when times are bad, people tend to ponder… I think this is an interesting observation. I have noticed this in my own life that when times are rough I tend to really ponder and dig into myself, like you should, yet when I do this I start attracting persons, places, and things into your life and a positive affect begins to happen. But when this happens often people forget to keep doing things that brought them to this place of abundance initially, I think we get the mentally that all the good can’t end yet in all reality its a slow decline back to where we where before.

I think the statement, your inner world creates your outer world is very fitting. We as humans always try to change our circumstances and beat ourselves up and work harder yet we fail to realize that all this “action” is really covering up the bigger problem of lack or insecurity in ourselves. Its been said that we all have a thermostat that controls the level to how successful or how unsuccessful we become. If we push really hard all of a sudden we experience a level of success, but then our thermostat comes on and sabotages our level of success and brings us back down to where we are set at. If we all want to experience a higher level we need to focus and grow from the inside out and our preset level then goes up and the world, almost like magic, grows with us and we experience a much higher level of connection and success in the world. Lets wrap this up and be mindful that when we are in the state of success and everything is going well around us, remember to take a minute out and be grateful and keep doing the things that got you to where you are. Consistency is the power that creates the habits that coaches us to accomplish our goals.

Who’s on your Council?


I started rewriting this blog, well OK  to be honest I never really started it if you count the one default post and the one where I say it’s the beginning of the rest of my life… lol! So I started writing this because recently after a very low point in my life, this event caused me to dig, dig really deep to find the meaning into my soul and heart – I have learned that they these events are not “problems” as we call them but more than anything an “OPPORTUNITY” to cause to dig into our soul and find what it is we need.

We all have the answers inside of us – think about that for just a moment… If we go out everyday and try to seek whatever it is we seek… that event actually begins to allude us, like two magnets the repel each other. Like the saying goes the more we seek for security in our lives the more insecurity we attract into our lives. If we suddenly grasp that gold mine of the concept that the answer is inside of us, a real sense of peace comes over and our perspective of all the “problems” actually makes us want to dig and realize this is nothing more than a process of refinement.

Ok – so on to the topic of who is on your council. By this I’m stating that its the little voices in our heads that tell us what to do or not to do. Not in a schizophrenia way but these thoughts arise from past experiences, whether good or bad. If you study anything on the mind, which is a very complex subject, thoughts are what start the events that create our outer world. Think about it, how did we all get to this great nation we live in, or the car we drive, or the phone in our hand, these things we have now, are nothing but the product of a thought that was brought forth and manifested. So if thoughts are who we are, like it says in the Bible “ a man thinkith, so is he,” then the person we have hired in our head as the council that guides us everyday, is it serving us? Honestly I can say with confidence that 90% of people on this earth have hired the wrong advisers in your head. It’s not you, the person, that is messing up but its the bad council you listen to everyday. So wouldn’t it make sense to say then we should go into our subconscious mind and fire those that are not serving our best interest and hire the right team that will guide and direct us in developing our true potential as human beings? The answer is 100 times yes!!! Now you make ask, well if I fire that council, who do I now put on the board? Great question! In the book Think And Grow Rich, the author talks about hiring those that you look up to as mentors, whether you know them or not. For myself I’m actively seeking those in the world whom I look up to and respect, I.E. Jillian Michaels or Oprah Winfrey – you must study and research them so when you ask for their advice in your subconscious know exactly what they will advice you to do. One note on this though, is to pick advisers that are not self-serving in their contribution to society, but those that are self-giving. Meaning are these people that you look up to, are their actions centered in, well if I do this action will it benefit me instead of those that look at their actions as benefiting others….

I look forward to your continue growth and seeing you discover your full potential! 🙂


I love this passage from Goethe so powerful and pointed to what it takes to focus the mind on make a commitment, tenacity and all that it takes to make your life blossom into the person your supposed to be…

“Until one is committed there is always hesitancy,
the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness
concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans;
The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising one’s favor all manner of unforeseen accidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness had genius, power and magic in it”.
